In a heartwarming twist of fate, a man who lost his cherished college ring nearly five decades ago was recently reunited with it, thanks to the determination and skill of a diver. This extraordinary story highlights the power of persistence and serendipity, proving that even the most unlikely treasures can resurface.
Morgan Perigo, a proud graduate of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, lost his graduation ring during a family vacation to Barbados in 1977. Perigo had received the ring in 1965 to commemorate his time at McMaster, but its sentimental value far outweighed its material worth. While enjoying the ocean waves with his family, an unexpected event led to its loss.
A strong wave threatened to pull his young son away, prompting Perigo to hold onto him tightly. In the process, his treasured ring slipped off his finger and disappeared into the sea. Despite his efforts to recover it at the time, the ring was lost to the depths, seemingly gone forever. For decades, the memory of the ring lingered, a bittersweet reminder of that day.
Fast forward nearly 40 years, and the story takes an incredible turn. Alex Davis, a freediver and metal-detecting enthusiast, had taken to searching the ocean floor for lost artifacts. Following Hurricane Beryl’s impact on the island in the summer of 2023, Davis noticed significant changes to the underwater landscape. The storm had shifted layers of sand and rock, exposing areas that had been hidden for years. Intrigued, Davis decided to explore these newly revealed spots with his trusty metal detector.
“There were places where it looked like a beautiful sandy beach, and suddenly all these rocks were uncovered,” Davis told the BBC. “I thought, ‘Maybe now is the time to search areas that might have been untouched for decades.’”
As Davis combed the seabed, his metal detector emitted a series of distinct beeps, a sound that often indicates the presence of gold. Excited by the possibility, he carefully sifted through layers of sand, coral, and rock until he unearthed a gleaming ring adorned with a dark-red stone. The ring, remarkably well-preserved, bore the inscription “McMaster University 1965” and the initials “FMP.”
The discovery marked the beginning of a new mission for Davis: finding the rightful owner of this long-lost treasure. Determined to return the ring to its owner, he reached out to McMaster University for help. His inquiry set off a chain of events that would ultimately reunite the ring with its original owner.
Laura Escalante, an alumni officer at the university, took up the challenge of identifying the person behind the initials. Through careful research and outreach, she was able to pinpoint a match: Morgan Perigo. Armed with this information, Davis contacted Perigo to share the unbelievable news.
The timing of the discovery added another layer of serendipity to the story. As it turned out, Davis found the ring just a week before Perigo’s 83rd birthday. When Davis informed Perigo about the find, the retired alumnus was overwhelmed with emotion. “Oh my god, there is no way this story could get any better,” Davis said of the reunion. “To find something lost at sea for 47 years and to return it just in time for his birthday—it felt like a miracle.”
The reunion between Perigo and his treasured ring took place shortly before his milestone birthday. Holding the ring in his hand once again, Perigo was transported back to the memories of his time at McMaster and the moment he lost it. The return of the ring was more than just a material recovery; it was the rekindling of a connection to his past.
Perigo’s alma mater also celebrated the remarkable reunion, calling it “a wonderful and unexpected 83rd birthday present.” The story quickly gained attention, capturing the hearts of many who were inspired by the diver’s dedication and the joyful outcome of his efforts.
This tale serves as a poignant reminder of the value of sentimental possessions and the unexpected ways they can resurface. It also underscores the impact of small acts of kindness, as Davis’s determination to return the ring turned a lost item into a meaningful gift for a man celebrating his 83rd year.
For Perigo, the return of his college ring was a moment of closure and joy, bringing back memories of his younger days and the family vacation that had seemed to claim the ring forever. For Davis, it was a testament to the rewards of curiosity and persistence, proving that treasures—no matter how deeply buried—can always be found.
This incredible story of loss, discovery, and reunion reminds us all to hold on to hope, even when something seems lost forever. After all, you never know what the tides of time may bring back to shore.