Tim Allen is a beloved figure in Hollywood, recognized by audiences of all ages. With a career spanning decades, the 69-year-old actor has solidified his status as a household name. Despite his success, Allen holds a special place in his heart for his “Toy Story” co-star and good friend, Tom Hanks.
In a recent interview on Kelly Clarkson’s show, Allen shared that his bond with Hanks goes beyond the screen. The two actors have been friends since the original “Toy Story” film and have maintained a close relationship ever since. Even though they may not always see eye to eye, Allen has a deep respect for Hanks, admiring both his intelligence and kind nature.
Allen fondly recalls their long-standing tradition of meeting for lunch twice a year, jokingly comparing them to “two older women” because of how close they sit in a booth. He also shared a lighthearted story from the filming of “Toy Story 1,” where Hanks casually took fries from Allen’s plate. This simple gesture of friendship touched Allen deeply, especially given his upbringing, where such kindness was rare.
Reflecting on their friendship, Allen remarked, “I don’t think I’ve ever trusted a human being as much as Tom. He listens to me without judgment.” Hanks has always been there for Allen, offering unwavering support even when they disagree on various matters. According to Allen, Hanks is one of the few people who genuinely hears him out without casting any judgment.
Both Tim Allen and Tom Hanks have maintained positive reputations throughout their careers, avoiding scandal and controversy. Their genuine friendship is a testament to their character and the mutual respect they share. It’s heartwarming to witness such a sincere bond between two legendary actors.