What to Do When You Encounter a Snake: A Mother’s Frightening Backyard Experience

A Mother’s Backyard Snake Encounter: What To Do When Facing a Venomous Visitor

It’s always unsettling to come across unexpected creatures in our environment, but nothing quite compares to the fright of finding a poisonous snake. Just ask one mother who lived through a heart-stopping experience on the day of her daughter’s seventh-grade graduation.

The mother was snapping a photo of her daughter sitting by a tree when she felt an icy chill run through her. As her daughter smiled for the camera, a snake suddenly slithered down from the branches! Thankfully, neither of them were harmed, though they were both thoroughly shaken.

“The snake was terrifying,” the mother recalled. “I managed to take two pictures before I noticed it. I was surprisingly calm when I told my daughter to move away, but I think my face gave away just how scared I was.”

Running into a snake is undeniably a frightening ordeal for anyone. However, the key is to remain calm and avoid panicking. Depending on the species, some snakes are dangerous, even deadly. So, what should you do if you find yourself in such a situation?

First and foremost, give the snake plenty of space. The best course of action is to leave it alone and let it go on its way. If you can safely identify the species, that can help you determine how far to distance yourself. However, it’s extremely risky—and potentially fatal—to attempt to handle or trap a wild snake.

If the snake is too close for comfort, the best thing to do is slowly back away while keeping an eye on it. This ensures that not only you but anyone nearby can also stay safe.

Once you’ve moved to a safe distance, consider contacting local wildlife authorities if necessary. These professionals are trained to handle situations like this, ensuring the snake is either relocated safely or returned to its natural habitat if unharmed.

It’s important to remember that snakes play a vital role in our ecosystems and shouldn’t be harmed unless absolutely necessary. By respecting their space, you protect not only yourself but also contribute to the preservation of these important species.

For those curious about snakes and their behaviors, there are countless online resources and guides from expert herpetologists. Learning about the species native to your area can help you identify them more easily and know what steps to take should you ever encounter one. Remember, living in harmony with nature means respecting both your safety and the snake’s place in the ecosystem.


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