When Revenge Comes Full Circle: A Hilarious Tale of Marriage, Betrayal, and Unexpected Karma
Some stories are so entertaining and heartwarming that they stay with you long after you’ve heard them. In a world filled with seriousness and struggles, a funny anecdote can be just the kind of relief you need. The story you’re about to read is a perfect mix of humor, drama, revenge, and an utterly satisfying twist that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.
This tale begins with a husband writing a letter to his wife, announcing his decision to end their marriage. However, it’s his wife’s sharp and witty response that truly steals the show. Let’s dive into their hilarious exchange.
The Husband’s Letter: A Farewell Without Grace
Dear Wife,
I’m writing to inform you that I am leaving you for good. After seven years of marriage, I’ve come to realize that I’ve been a good husband, but I haven’t gotten anything in return for my efforts.
The past few weeks have been especially hard for me. The final straw came when your boss informed me that you quit your job. That’s when I knew I couldn’t continue.
Last week, I went out of my way to please you. I cooked your favorite meal, got a new haircut, and even bought myself a pair of silk boxers to spice things up. But what did I get in return? Nothing. You didn’t even notice my efforts. You just ate for a few minutes, watched your soaps, and went straight to bed without saying a word.
It’s clear to me that you no longer love me. You don’t want to be intimate, you don’t show affection, and you don’t connect with me like a wife should. Whether you’re cheating on me or simply don’t care anymore, I’ve decided that enough is enough. I’m done.
P.S. Please don’t try to find me. Your sister and I are moving to West Virginia together. I wish you all the best in life.
Your Ex-Husband
The Wife’s Response: A Masterclass in Comebacks
Dear Ex-Husband,
Your letter truly made my day—though probably not for the reasons you think. Yes, we’ve been married for seven years, but calling yourself a “good husband” is a bit of a stretch, don’t you think?
You complain that I watch TV soaps every evening. What you don’t seem to realize is that those shows drown out your constant whining and griping, which is the only way I could stay sane in this marriage.
As for your new haircut, I did notice it. I just chose not to say anything because my mother taught me that if I couldn’t say something nice, it was better to say nothing at all. My first thought? You looked like a middle-aged woman.
When you cooked my “favorite dish,” you must have forgotten that I stopped eating pork seven years ago. Ironically, the dish you made was my sister’s favorite, not mine. I wonder why that slipped your mind.
And about those silk boxers—oh, I noticed them too. The $49.99 price tag was still attached, which was amusing since my sister borrowed $50 from me that very day. Funny coincidence, isn’t it?
Despite all of this, I was still willing to give us another shot. I cared about you and wanted us to work things out. But fate has a funny way of stepping in. Just before receiving your letter, I found out I had won the lottery—$10 million, to be exact. I quit my job and was planning to surprise you with two tickets to Jamaica. Imagine my shock when I came home to your letter announcing you’d run off with my sister.
Thanks to your letter, my lawyer has assured me that you’re entitled to none of the winnings. So, while you’re off starting a new life in West Virginia, I’ll be living my best life, free, rich, and completely unbothered.
P.S. I hope you and my sister find happiness together. After all, someone has to put up with your endless complaining.
Your Ex-Wife (Rich, Happy, and Loving Life)
The Takeaway
This story perfectly captures the saying, “What goes around, comes around.” The husband, in his self-centered attempt to leave his wife and run off with her sister, ended up losing everything—while the wife walked away richer, freer, and happier than ever.
It’s a reminder that sometimes, the best revenge is simply living well. So, the next time life throws you a curveball, remember this story and take heart. Karma has a way of handling things in the most unexpected and satisfying ways!