Wisconsin Farmer’s Tragic Death Highlights Need for Safer Manure Storage Practices

Tragedy Strikes Wisconsin Farm: Farmer and Livestock Fall Victim to Deadly Gas Exposure

In a heartbreaking accident, a “deadly dome of air” formed over a manure holding tank at a Wisconsin farm, leading to the tragic deaths of a young farmer and sixteen of his cattle.

Michael Biadasz, a 29-year-old farmer from Amherst, Wisconsin, was fatally poisoned by toxic gases on his family’s farm. According to reports from WAOW, he succumbed to fumes of sulfur oxide or methane that had accumulated in the area. Initially, thirteen cattle also died, with three more passing away later, bringing the total loss to sixteen.

Michael’s father, Bob Biadasz, co-owner of Biadasz Farms, explained that the incident was the result of an unusual and unpredictable weather phenomenon. As warm air lingered above the farm, it trapped the gases in what became a “dome of air” over the manure tank, leading to the fatal poisoning of Michael and the animals.

By the time other workers arrived to begin removing the manure, Michael had already passed away.

“The family is devastated, absolutely devastated,” said Portage County Coroner Scott Rifleman in an interview with WAOW.

Rifleman added that it was an especially rare event since such gas poisoning incidents typically occur in confined spaces. In this case, the air pressure trapped the toxic gases, preventing them from dispersing. An investigation is underway to determine the exact cause of Michael’s death, but Rifleman noted that Biadasz had safely emptied the same manure tank countless times before.

To honor Michael’s memory, the Biadasz family lined up a series of tractors and farm equipment along the road leading to their farm. Among the vehicles were a blue tractor, several red trucks, and Michael’s black pickup truck, creating a poignant tribute to the young farmer.

One commenter on Facebook reflected the shock and sorrow felt by many: “As if there isn’t already enough danger in the lives of farmers, this family had to suffer this freak accident. So sad.”

In response to the tragedy, many are advocating for stricter regulations on manure storage to prevent future accidents. According to the National Agriculture Safety Database (NASD), proper ventilation and clear warning signs are essential for areas where livestock waste is stored.

The NASD also emphasized the importance of following safe construction and maintenance practices for manure storage facilities. These precautions, they argue, could protect both farm workers and livestock from the dangers of toxic gas exposure.

This devastating event brings to mind a similar incident in 2007 when a Virginia family lost five members after a methane gas buildup caused by a pipe blockage.


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